Battlefield Rust Belt
President Barack Obama won the industrial Midwest in 2008 with a message of hope and change, but he faces a much different political and economic re-election landscape. And with key congressional races looming in 2012, the beleaguered Rust Belt will be on the front lines of the battle over competing definitions of American capitalism and plans to restore the dwindling middle class.
By Hook & By Crook
The biggest blue gill I ever caught was by accident, while I was being chastised by a security guard at Hamburger University, McDonald’s leafy managerial training center that’s part of the corporation’s 80-acre headquarters in suburban Chicago.
Mr. Trust Buster
If you’re masochistic – or have a lot of Adderall – economist John Maynard Keynes’ 75-year-old opus, The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money, is full of gems that shine light on the modern pickle over regulatory reform and ideological direction.